Hotel Tips: Travelling with Pets

Over the last few years, more people have embraced a lifestyle of travelling with pets, so there are some hotels that accommodate such needs. If you do not want to leave your special companion at the pet store or with neighbours, you should research the pet-friendly hotels within the area of your destination. When you find the apparent ideal hospitality facility, consider using some of these tips to ensure that the stay is enjoyable for both you and your pet.

Restrictions and Fees

Many hotels are advertised as pet-friendly, but usually there are some restrictions, and these can be in relation to the size or even age of the animals. For instance, many facilities discourage travelling with puppies because they are likely to be loud or cause damage. Look into the terms and conditions presented in the accommodation contract before booking a room. The charges for pet lodging are usually presented in form of daily fees and a damage deposit, which is normally refundable. However, there are hotels that will ask for a large non-refundable flat payment to cover the stay and potential damage. Also, ensure that you are presented with a detailed list of the charges and any additional costs incurred.

Room Choice

If you are travelling with a dog, request for ground floor rooms which are convenient for taking the pet out. However, ensure that you are not duped into taking a poor quality room at the normal rates. Be cautious about apparent unique pet rooms, because such 'designated' areas are usually older, worn-out living spaces. Where possible, choose hotel companies that offer apartment living services because they are more spacious. Extended stay hotels and serviced apartment hotels are the best alternatives, especially if you have to be in the region for a week or longer. Inquire about the course of action when the pet damages items in the room. Ensure that immediate resolution is possible so as to avoid complicated discussions when you are departing.

The Environment

Inappropriate surroundings can aggravate your pets, and this will interfere with the trip objectives. For instance, dogs will require sufficient local space to go for a walk or else their energy will be redirected to destroying the accommodation. The place should also be relatively quiet and safe because startled and tense pets will cause a lot of disturbance. Finally, ensure that there are pet services such as dog-sitting or pet spas available around the hotel, especially if the company has a policy against leaving animals alone in the room.

For more information, contact a business such as Windsor Lodge Como.
